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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Google Cloud Newsletter, Jan 2019 | The next seismic shift in software?

News, research, and resources for the Google Cloud community.
You can also view this email in your browser.
Google Cloud
What's the next seismic shift in software?
Serverless computing and globally distributed databases like Cloud Spanner are changing the nature of software delivery.
Learn how
Security trends to track for 2019 and beyond.
Canary analysis: Lessons learned and best practices from Google and Waze.
Google Cloud Next '19
Join us at Google Cloud Next '19 – $999 USD early bird pricing ends March 1.
Use T4s to supercharge machine learning or graphics workloads with cost-cutting options like preemptive-instance pricing and sustained-use discounts. Create custom VM shapes with up to four T4 GPUs, 96 vCPUs, and 624 GB of host memory.
Now you can control when Google accesses your enterprise data or configurations. And with Access Transparency logs for four additional services, GCP provides broad visibility into when, where, and how your data is accessed.
LiveRamp plans to migrate 97 petabytes of stored data, 300 terabytes of memory, and 90,000 CPU cores this year. And that's just one of their Hadoop environments. Learn why and how they're moving several environments to GCP.
Read the most popular post of 2018. Scroll and click to pick at random. Look back chronologically, do trend analysis, or just dig into topic tags like AI, Kubernetes, app dev, and infrastructure.
Port up to 10,000 rows of data from BigQuery into Sheets to analyze and share large datasets. And check out major improvements to the BigQuery UI.
Containers aren't always kind to those used to a fast local developer experience. Recent updates to Minikube and Skaffold make a big difference.
Build a modern, secure identity platform with authentication tools for G Suite, GCP, internal services, third-party apps, and more.
Take a new self-paced course using real-world examples and simulated IoT devices. Or learn to connect your Raspberry Pi to GCP with Python.
Dig into this overview of TPU resources for quickstarts, technical deep dives, cost-benefit analyses, and contacts for the Google engineer and AI communities.
See the trajectory, velocity, density, and beauty of trillions of pieces of content moving around the globe – and the impact that visualization has on high-performance content serving.
Get up to $100,000 USD in GCP credits, training, support, and resources to start up and scale with Google infrastructure and tools. Check out Google Cloud for Startups.
Better Code, Faster: Google Cloud's global online conference is all about app development.
Join experts and innovators to learn how to build quality code faster with CI/CD and serverless tools on GCP.
Jan 23: Americas
Jan 24: APAC and EMEA
Join live Cloud OnAir webinars held weekly by Google Cloud experts.
Attend Cloud OnBoard, a series of free training events that offer a technical introduction to GCP.
GCP Podcast
Listen to the GCP Podcast, a weekly roundup of interviews with experts, answers to listener questions, and the Cool Things of the Week segment.
Kubernetes Podcast
Each week, the Kubernetes Podcast covers the latest news and insights from the growing Kubernetes community.
Introducing the Google Cloud Platform YouTube channel.
Kelsey Hightower's KubeCon keynote: You're an engineer; act like one.
Google Cloud, NASA, and the SETI Institute search for life on other planets.
Twitter @janakiramm
I don't see many customers taking advantage of GCP's network stack. Custom and Shared VPCs are extremely powerful to deploy apps that need strong isolation with least privilege. Combine that with IAM, you have bulletproof deployments.
Twitter @JNahelou
When people asked me why I prefer GCP to others providers ? Let's take a look at http://github.com/googlecloudplatform. Foresti, Magic-Modules, gke demos, stackdriver agents, api samples, ... Thanks to all Googler to share your knowledges !

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